Data Collection & Management

Analyze your clinical trial data through a single, self-serve location. REDCap Cloud’s Data Collection & Management capabilities empower you to store, explore and visualize data in real-time across studies and across sponsors using interactive dashboards and over 40 distinct types of visualizations.

  • Seamlessly convert data to a common format supporting advanced real-world evidence analysis, reporting, and dashboards
  • Deliver an automated, unified view of patient health and safety including adverse events and serious adverse events
  • Eliminate potential bottlenecks early and throughout a study’s lifecycle with real-time monitoring of individual and aggregate performance metrics

Data Collection & Management Solutions


Run verbatim searches to identify variations of unique terms. Relevant results can be batched together and coded with a single key stroke


Automate the collection, tracking, and notification of both adverse events and serious adverse events in real-time


Provide data managers, site monitors and medical reviewers with an intuitive approval workflow with intra/inter-study source data verification on entire case report forms or individual fields


Deliver expedited, accurate coding supported by integrated workflows with REDCap Cloud EDC to enable user or auto populating of preferred medical terms from a range of enabled medical dictionaries


Make changes for any item on a case report form (CRF) or visit. Individual sites requiring IRB permission can be put on hold while allowing other sites with IRB permission to migrate


Securely collect data offline, particularly in environments with poor internet connectivity


Leverage the industry’s most advanced, scalable and secure electronic data capture solution to collect and manage all data from labs, sites, patients and digital health devices.

  • Manage studies of any size, complexity, or therapeutic area within a single, unified platform
  • Deliver cross-functional and cross-study insights with a standards-based approach to data management and analytics
  • Accelerate decision making through direct access to study data and real-time dashboards via our web-based portal or mobile EDC app
  • Streamline study timelines by making design changes to active studies easily without the need for migrations

Case Studies

Study Design and Build

Create and modify studies with ease within a single, unified platform

REDCap Cloud’s Study Design & Build solution enables users to build web-based or mobile studies from a single interface. Combined with our mid-study change module, study managers can easily roll out study changes selectively or to all patients and sites simultaneously, with full version control. After roll-out, authorized users can easily view which sites and patients are on a particular version.

  • Design and deploy a study to mobile devices or a website without the need for software programming skills
  • Easily select and reuse components ranging from edit checks to entire forms and visit structures
  • Leverage our global library to reduce the time required to set up a study while promoting eCRF standards and consistency for sponsors and researchers

Keys to a Successful Study Build


Create custom screening tools to capture your desired cohort


Use rules and expressions to trigger automatic CRF delivery


Use medical coding libraries to ensure use of standardized terminology for clinical data


Save your study as a global template for future use

Accelerate Your Research with Next-Gen Clinical Infrastructure

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